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Final V2 (with vfx) - 1080.00_00_51_16.Still014.jpg

Elite Legal Marketing

Austin Video Company

We have all seen a bad attorney commercial. It's usually a guy in character, shouting at the camera about how tough he is and using a prop or repetitive catchphrase to drill his name into your daytime TV-watching brain.


Elite Legal Marketing is trying to change that. 


There is a changing of the guard happening in the legal field right now. Attorney and the clients that are hiring them grew up in the age of transparency, where authenticity matters. 


In this brand video, we wanted to juxtapose the old with the new. We love the opportunity to write for our clients, especially in the comedy realm. We scripted the characters you see on screen, so perfectly portrayed by actor Brian Bilica, to be as over-the-top as the daytime lawyer commercials we watched growing up.


In stark contrast, Elite legal Marketing founder, Brian Gomez, delivers a refreshing alternative tone, similar to the documentary style videos we often shoot for his attorney clients. We also did a big batch of FAQ videos (sampled below) to show Brian's real expertise in the field. 


We love getting to script & cast videos for our clients.


We offer turnkey production services in Austin from concepts and storyboards, to scripting, casting and directing talent to nail the storyline for our clients. 


Elite Legal Marketing​


Written & Directed by Andrew Bennett
Produced by Dorothy Bennett
Edited by Ben Montez

Featuring Brian Bilica as "The Sledgehammer"



 Tags: Elite Legal Marketing, Bennett Creative, Austin, Video Production, Company, Commercial Video, Attorney, Lawyer, Director, Andrew Bennett, Dorothy Bennett, Corporate

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